Why Pulset
Did you know that Pulset is the manufacturer?
We manufacturer and distribute the products directly to you. There is no “middle man” this guarantees that you receive the best possible product at the best possible price.
Great Product Design and Functionality
Pulset ’s Product Manager and founder is an Electrician who has been in the trade for over 25 years. His experience means that the product is designed to ensure that it functions the way it’s supposed to, that’s why we say Pulset is “Designed by Electricians for Electricians”.
Our products are tested for reliability and safety. We have all the relevant approvals needed for our products such as the Australian Standards, C-Tick, A-Tick, CE and IEC.
Complies to the Australian & New Zealand Standards
Product safety is a priority for us at Pulset. That is why we ensure that products comply with the Australian & New Zealand Standards.
What are Australian & New Zealand Standards (AUS/NZ)?
These Standards have been developed with a set of criteria’s which the product must meet. To achieve this status, the product must pass a series of tests in which it is put under difficult conditions that are designed to be similar to those that the item will endure in its day to day function. If the product has passed these tests then it gains certification under the Australian and New Zealand Standard.
It is a requirement by legislation that if a product needs approval, then we must ensure that it is certified before it sold to the customer. All Electrical manufacturers regardless of whether they are a sole trader or large multinational company must meet the same standard.
Quality Assurance
Pulset has a certified Quality System under ISO 9001:2008.
Our aim has always been to offer our customers Quality.
Quality in our service and Quality in our products.
100% Australian Owned
When you buy Pulset you are supporting an Australian owned and managed company.